How to book and contact us

If you'd like to book a place on one of our walks, or you'd like more information, or if you just want to say hello, please do get in touch!
The easiest way to contact us is using the form below (or at the bottom of any page on this site); please make sure you type your email address correctly, and fill in the number at the bottom of the form (this is to prevent automatic form-filling by senders of 'SPAM' emails). We'll get back to you as soon as we can. Alternatively, just email us: bootlaceholidays [at] gmail [dot] com.
We do spend quite a lot of time out of the office - walking or working on the land - and so we may not always be able to reply at once, but we will reply as soon as we can!
In emergencies, you can try our mobile phone number:
(0034 for Spain) 676 709 659
Bootlace Holidays Terms and Conditions
Contact form
You can use the form below to send us a message.(Please take care to type your email address correctly!)
Alternatively, send us an email directly to bootlaceholidays [at]